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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture on
Computer Networks and System Administration

CIA had arranged the guest lecture in the drawing hall of GHRIEM at 3:30 pm on 20th of september on the topic “COMPUTER NETWORKING AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION” & the lecture was given by Mr. Gaurav Pandey and Mr. Hemant Choudhari of GHRIEM,Jalgaon. Mr. Kushal Birla the CIA faculty co-ordinator marked his presence alongwith the students of SE IT,TE IT, BE IT were present for the lecture.
The topics discussed relevant to the subject were-
·       Introduction to the computer network
·       Criteria before designing a network
·       OSI layer
·       Virtual LAN concept
·       Router as a layer 3 switch
·       Proxy server
·       Firewall and its purpose
·       Slide presentation showing the path of packet from source to destination

          At the last “Question & Answer” session was conducted which had given the student a brief review about working of network.
The cia members put their best efforts to bring the seminar to a success.

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