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Welcome to CIA ~ Computer & I.T Associates!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Google Whacking

Report of the CIA Activity:-

CIA had arranged The Search For Google Whacker for SE I.T & TE I.T students in the Lab-5(Eng. Building) on 23th August 2010. It was an innovative and new contest in which the participants were given a word and were asked to find the minimum number of search results using a technical tag on www.google.com.
The SE I.T & TE I.T students gathered at the venue at 3:30p.m for Google Whacking. After informing the students about the rules and regulations of the contests they were provided with the word .The participants were given a time span of 30minutes to submit their TAGS.

Each participant was allotted with an PC & following word were given one after the other -
·       Computer
·       Compression
·       Code

The number of results (search results) ,the tag added and the time (in secs.) required were noted down. Depending upon all the above factors Mr. Khalid Alfatmi sir declared Nikhil Parmar(T.E. I.T) as the winner .The details of the same were
Word-             Computer
Tag-                Recognization
Time-             0.05secs.
Results-          2

Word-             Code
Tag-                Binerious
Time-              0.18secs
Results-          1

Photo Gallery:-

Participants(Round 1)


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